Evaluation of quality parameters and storage conditions of cucumber fruits harvested under two cropping systems: protected and open field in tropical zones


  • Reina Medina Litardo University of Guayaquil
  • Galo Alberto Salcedo Rosales University of Guayaquil
  • Cecibel Franco Suarez University of Guayaquil
  • Liliana Castro Herrera University of Guayaquil
  • Luis Oquendo Gonzales University of Guayaquil




post-harvest, cucumber, protected cultivation, merchandising


Losses from merchandising of fruit and vegetables at Ecuador represent between 30 and 50 % of the total cropped. As a result decreases the cost-benefit of cultivating, contributing to the impoverishment of the farmers and raise consumer prices.The causes attributed to the lack oftechnology, post-harvest mismanagement, essentially by poor handling, improper packaging conditions, inappropriate storageand lack of transport infrastructure. This situation led to make the following research aimed to evaluating the quality parametersand storage conditions of cucumber fruits,grown under two cropping systems: protected and open field, in tropical zones. We used a random blocks design with threerepetitions and four treatments, employingthe hybrid Diamond. The highest average in cucumber fruit length, diameter, weight and firmness were obtained with T, (high-tech greenhouse), while the highest average of soluble solids and titratable acidity were achieved in T (average greenhouse technology). The T (open field growing) had the highest average of pH and lower RBG values. We found the highest percentagesof spoiling, insect damage and physiological disorders in the T, (open field growing). Averages of cucumber fruit color stored in plastic drawers, wooden boxes and polyethylene bags presented statisticallysimilar values. Fusarium spp affected the fruits under the three types of storage used. The fruit lasts 12 to 14 days stored at temperature of 26 ºC and 81 % relative humidity.


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