Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Maintenance and sustainability enhancing industrial efficiency (January-June Issue)

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Maintenance and sustainability enhancing industrial efficiency (January-June Issue)

This EASI issue takes readers on an engaging journey to the forefront of engineering and applied sciences, with a particular focus on optimizing industrial processes and promoting sustainability. The featured articles delve into critical topics ranging from climate variable modeling for enhanced energy efficiency (Vanegas Zabala et al., 2024) to implementing reliability-centered maintenance practices to reduce costs and boost productivity (Aguilera-Órdenes & Amador-Cáceres, 2024).

Furthermore, the journal explores the intersection of industry and society, analyzing how initiatives like forest landscape restoration (Bautista-Espinoza et al., 2024) can yield environmental, social, and economic benefits. Additionally, Reyes-Aliaga et al. (2024) provide an updated perspective on industrial market segmentation, a highly relevant topic for businesses seeking differentiation and growth in an increasingly competitive landscape. Finally, Fajardo-Pruna et al. (2024) showed how technology can improve safety in adverse work environments. Their mechatronic device offers a practical solution to protect worker health.

Collectively, the articles in this issue demonstrate the diversity and dynamism of industrial engineering research, offering valuable tools and insights to address current and future industrial challenges. Readers are invited to delve into these articles and share their comments and perspectives.

Published: 2024-08-01