Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Internet of Things and Communication Technologies: solutions for Business and Society (January-June Issue)


This issue bring together applications of ICTs and IIoT in the business and social context, this research area is still having a crowd of ongoing research projects. In this opportiunity, researchs allows students to pursue their interests and be part of mixed disciplinary research groups.

In post-pandemic times, numerous environmental factors  affect the health and well-being of employees. Palacios et al. (2022) shows a low-cost sensor network to monitor environmental conditions
in indoor environments. Ronquillo et al. (2022)  describes a smart architecture that makes trash collection easier. Meanwhile, Cruz, Parrales & Zambrano (2022) discuss about factors leading digital technology supporting HRM in businesses and organizations, and the benefits of work-related communication technology use.

Suppoting social applications, readers can find the strategy proposed by Ávila, J., Pilacuán, L. & Valenzuela, K. (2022) to map the virus spreads across local regions to control future epidemic outbreaks, and finally, Quinto et al. (2022) contribute with a voting solution to minimize threats within e-voting protocols. 

Published: 2022-07-30