Socioeconomic impact of dairy farming in indigenous communities of Ecuador
Socio-economic Analysis, Dairy farming, Rural development, indigenous communitiesAbstract
The economic system of agricultural production in Ecuador is an integrated activity into the productive chains and markets in indigenous communities. Its comprehensive analysis allows characterizing and zoning production in these populations. The intervention area was Colta, a canton in the Chimborazo province. The data was obtained through direct interviews with dairy producers and processors, through random sampling by productive areas, covering two urban and four rural parishes (Cajabamba, Sicalpa, Columbe, Cañí, Juan de Velasco and Santiago de Quito). Milk production is considered the most profitable activity, despite the low price that the producer receives. Currently, 81% of farmers receive less than 0.40 USD/L of milk, which covers production costs and contributes to a sustainable circular economy for the area. The production depends on a low technology level family system. Most of the production is destined for small marketing channels such as artisan cheese shops and sales to wholesalers. In conclusion, despite the limited technological development in the region, there are opportunities for improvement both in industry and in the social of vulnerable populations.
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