Biogas: A Sustainable Energy Source for a Greener Future




Biomethane, Biogas, Sustainable


This document thoroughly explores the possibilities that biogas and biomethane hold as sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources in a world that is highly concerned about environmental issues and the pressing need to transition towards renewable energy. The essay commences by thoroughly exploring the historical roots of biogas, shedding light on its journey from ancient civilizations to its present-day development as a pivotal alternative energy source during the 1970s energy crisis. Furthermore, it meticulously examines the entire production process of biogas, starting from the collection of raw materials to the purification of gas for various applications, which include generating electricity and serving as clean fuel for vehicles.

The focus also extends to the production of biomethane, a renewable gas primarily composed of methane, and its essential role in transitioning to a cleaner economy. The fundamental stages of the biomethane production process are detailed, including biogas capture, desulfurization to remove impurities such as hydrogen sulfide, and biogas purification through technologies like absorption and separation membranes. The importance of recovering and liquefying carbon dioxide (CO2) in biomethane production is highlighted, presenting its various beneficial applications, such as storage and transportation, sale in industrial markets, and its contribution to reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding release into the atmosphere.

Finally, this letter emphasizes the need to invest in innovative and sustainable technologies for producing, purifying, and using both biogas and biomethane. These practices not only contribute to mitigating climate change but also provide a clear roadmap toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy. The adoption of these technologies represents a crucial step toward a cleaner future, where energy is produced and utilized efficiently, thus protecting our valuable natural environment.

Author Biography

Luis Carlos Morocho Rosero, Productor y distribuidor de energía de biogás – Prodeval. Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, Francia

Ingeniero Químico. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Ecuador)

Master en Mecánica de Fluídos. Universidad de Grenoble Alpes (Francia)


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How to Cite

Morocho Rosero, L. C. (2023). Biogas: A Sustainable Energy Source for a Greener Future. EASI: Engineering and Applied Sciences in Industry, 2(2), 6–10.

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