Influence of the model view controller (MVC) pattern on the security, interoperability and usability of a computer-system’s life cycle.




Architecture, Design, Pattern, Security, Interoperability, Usability


Applying a design pattern during software development is a common strategy among programmers. In the broad classification of design patterns created to date, there are architectural patterns, one of the most widely used being the Model-View-Controller pattern, also known as MVC. The wide adoption of this pattern has made it necessary to evaluate its impact on security, interoperability and usability throughout the life cycle of a computer system. Through a literature review and research on specialized software development websites, this study reveals that the MVC pattern has a positive influence on these aspects. Furthermore, it was found that the use of this architectural design pattern is considered indispensable and widely popular by the community of experienced developers.

Author Biographies

Franklin Enríquez, Universidad Técnica del Norte: Ibarra

Ingeniero en Software (2023). Universidad Técnica del Norte, Imbabura

Santiago Fierro , Universidad Técnica del Norte: Ecuador - Ibarra

 Ingeniero en Software (2023). Universidad Técnica del Norte, Imbabura

Brandon Flores, Universidad Técnica del Norte - Ecuador

Ingeniero en Software (2023). Universidad Técnica del Norte, Imbabura

Daisy Imbaquingo Esparza, Universidad Técnica del Norte - Ecuador

Ingeniera en sistemas Computacionales (2015), Universidad T´écnica del Norte (Imbabura, Ecuador). Magister en Evaluación y Auditoría de Sistemas (2013) egresada de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (Sangolquí, Pichincha. Ecuador)

Jaime Michelena , Universidad Técnica del Norte: Ibarra

Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales (2015) Universidad Técnica del Norte: Ibarra, Imbabura, EC  Máster en redes de comunicaciones (2011) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador: Quito, Pichincha, EC


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How to Cite

Enríquez, F., Fierro , S., Flores, B., Imbaquingo Esparza, D., & Michelena , J. (2023). Influence of the model view controller (MVC) pattern on the security, interoperability and usability of a computer-system’s life cycle. EASI: Engineering and Applied Sciences in Industry, 2(1), 11–16.