
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I have carefully read all author instructions
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, WordPerfect or LaTex format
  • All authors have an ORCID iD and an email
  • The article length is appropriate and the text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal
  • I understand that the similarity percentage of the manuscript must not exceed 10%
  • Most of the cited works are 5 years old or less
  • URLs are provided for references
  • I have retained the original data supporting the creation of tables, graphs, and figures in the article in an easily accessible format: xls, txt, xlm, tiff (300 dpi)
  • I have a cover letter for the article
  • I have a copyright agreement signed by all authors in digital format
  • I am willing to submit a certification of foreign language writing if required

Author Guidelines

Edit Information

We thank you for your interest in publishing in the EASI journal. This section provides guidelines for preparing and submitting a manuscript to the International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences in Industry (EASI)

Open Access

EASI is an open-access journal, which means that all published articles are freely available for reading and downloading. This allows researchers, academics, and professionals around the world to access the latest advances in the field of industrial engineering.

EASI journal registration:

Only the corresponding author needs to register on the journal's OJS platform and will be responsible for submitting the manuscript. They must have an ORCID identifier, institutional affiliation, and select journal topics that align with the author's expertise.

During the submission process, you will need to provide metadata to optimize the article's discoverability in online search engines:

  • Disciplines: These are fields of study or branches of knowledge, similar to those used by university faculties and scientific societies. [Example: Computer Science, Biology, Engineering]
  • Rights: Any rights associated with the submission, including intellectual property rights (IPR) and various ownership rights.
  • Type: Refers to the primary type or genre of the submission content. The type is usually "Text," but it can also be "Dataset," "Image," or any of the Dublin Core types.
  • Keywords: Typically one to three-word phrases used to indicate the main topics of a submission. These keywords also help with online search engine optimization. We strongly recommend including keywords commonly used by researchers in your field.
  • Funding Agencies: Indicate the source of funding for the research or any other institutional support that facilitated the research.

The manuscript should be submitted in Word or LaTeX format, along with a cover letter and a statement of responsibility and acceptance of copyright.

Publication criteria:

For a manuscript to be published in the EASI journal, it must be original research, that is, it must not have been published or be under consideration by another journal. Additionally, it must be a relevant topic in industrial applications of interest defined in our scope and comply with the format and editorial practices.

  • The publication format will be by numbers. One volume per year is foreseen, and 2 editions (issues) per volume: January-June and July-December.
  • At least 60% of the documents published by number must be research papers, scientific communication, or original creations.
  • All manuscripts to the journal must be submitted online in Word or LaTeX format.
  • The journal uses metadata to index submissions (Dublin Core,TM).

We invite you to learn more about the journal and read the Editorial practices.

Editorial management:

EASI is part of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). This platform allows you to manage your entire editorial workflow and publish your articles and issues online. Papers submitted for consideration by the journal must be sent through the platform.

Processing and publication of articles

All articles in EASI: Engineering and Applied Sciences in Industry,  are accessible online free and open to anyone interested in reading them.

EASI: Engineering and Applied Sciences in Industry does not charge any fees for the registration, evaluation, and publication of submitted articles. The publication does not generate any cost for the author and readers. Reviewers do not receive any financial compensation for their appreciable contribution.

Manuscripts you can submit

  • Report/letter: 3000-word communications are welcome to discuss current issues that attempt to explain the relationship between industry, technology, and society in specific contexts. Briefly, preliminary data or dissertations about an investigation that stimulates the interest of the scientific community to participate and strengthens the line of investigation are presented.
  • Articles: 6000-word manuscripts addressing questions about a theoretical or applied disciplinary aspect, generally pursuing scientific research, or presenting a new solution method for particular problems are welcome in this section.
  • Review: This option compiles critical, systematic, and exhaustive analyses to explore the current state of the art related to the phenomenal growth in technology leading industry development, and how this relation shapes the new societyAn 8000-word manuscript is suggested.
  • Special Issues: this journal invites colleagues and experts in topics related to industry interoperability to propose the co-edition of special issues on emerging themes that promote the interest of the scientific and professional communities.

Manuscripts format

General instructions for original articles:

  1. The title must be in bold, justified on the page, and must not exceed three lines. Must be single spaced if longer than one line. Skip a line (12 pt) between the title and the first author.
  2. Body of the article in a single column, except for the first page
  3. Use no more than 8,000 words for body text in a4 (210 x 297 mm) format, each page formatted with 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides.
  4. Use 10 pt Times New Roman throughout, except for the title and author affiliation
  5. Write up to 200 words in the abstract (in case of writing the content in Spanish or Portuguese, you must add the correctly written abstract in English. It is suggested to seek professional help to review the material).
  6. Include up to five (5) relevant keywords. We recommend using the list of TESAURUS terms to guide your search. You can follow the quick guide Thesaurus.
  7. Always use simple spacing in the body of the article and justified alignment.
  8. Cite references in basic APA format, 7th edition. E.g. "...of mechanical forces (Sendak, 2015)...", and place the references in alphabetical order in a section at the end of the article (it is recommended to reference no more than 40 articles).
  9. Figures and tables should be inserted as close as possible to their mention in the text. Provide good quality figures/photographs (up to 300 dpi). Define all symbols, variables, and units clearly and legibly, as they appear in the text.
  10. Use only SI units in the article.
  11. The document can be written in English (preferred) or Spanish.

Please download the appropriate template based on the type of manuscript you are submitting:

We recommend using the online collaborative writing tool overleaf for editing and compiling LaTeX files.

The original data used to create tables, graphs, and figures in the article must be retained in an easily accessible format such as xls, txt, xlm, or tiff (300 dpi).

The authors must necessarily send a cover letter highlighting the importance of the article with information that is not found in the abstract or the introduction. In addition, a declaration of responsibility and acceptance of copyright.

Inclusive language

An inclusive language includes the search for diversity, the transmission of respect towards oneself, promoting equal opportunities. Any article submitted to EASI must not make assumptions about any reader's beliefs or commitments and must not contain information that implies superiority between groups of individuals based on race, ethnicity, gender, culture or any other characteristic.

Procedures for erratum, retraction, and Editors' alert

Our journal is committed to maintaining the highest editorial standards. We take responsibility for any errors that may occur during the production process and are committed to publishing errata. In exceptional cases, we will also retract articles. Our goal is to uphold the integrity and excellence of published research.


An erratum is a correction to a published article. Errors can arise from author oversight or editorial mistakes. When an error is identified, either by the authors or a reader, the journal will issue a correction notice. For formal complaints, a signed Letter to the Editor must be sent by mail or email. Authors of the original article may be asked to respond to the letter and prepare the erratum. Less formal notifications, such as phone calls, will trigger an internal review but do not necessitate a published response.


A retraction is a formal declaration that a previously published article is no longer valid. Reasons for retraction include scientific misconduct, plagiarism, data fabrication, or other serious ethical breaches. When a retraction is necessary, a notice will be published online. The original article will remain accessible but will be clearly marked as retracted. Authors may be given the opportunity to retract their article, but the Editor-in-Chief retains the authority to make the final decision. If there is evidence of misconduct, the journal may contact the authors' institution or funding agency. All investigations are conducted with due regard for the privacy of those involved.

Shipping method

The EASI journal provides its complete format for sending manuscripts. Articles must be submitted through Open Journal Systems (OJS). The corresponding author must ensure that the manuscript does not exceed 2 MB in size for submission. In case of having a LaText file, send the compressed file to the journal's email.

submitt your manuscript:

It is necessary that new users register with their institutional email within the portal of university magazines in the register link.

Language review certification

The corresponding author must submit a language review certificate, if the writing language of part or all the article is different from Spanish, and it must be sent through the system before the review process is completed by peers.

Certificates are those issued by people or entities within the area of translation and editing of texts in a foreign language, duly registered (attach evidence) in the country of origin:

  • Companies, institutes, or language centers in national or foreign universities whose trajectory allows them to be recognized nationally or internationally. Attach certification with signature of the responsible person and seal of the institution.
  • Person with fourth level studies endorsed by higher education institutions with a recognized track record in teaching the English language. Attach registration of the title by the competent public body of the country of origin and the duly signed certification.
  • Person specializing in the English language with a minimum B2 certification. Attach the certificate (Michigan or Cambridge English Qualification).

Peer review

The reviewing process of the articles submitted for consideration by the journal must include a similarity analysis and a peer review with the double-blind peer review modality. The article will have the comments from the Editor and at least 2 reviews, two of which must recommend its publication to complement the evaluation and decision of the Editorial Committee.

The preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee includes the verification of:

  • Revision of thematic content with the lines of the magazine
  • Originality and relevance of the result
  • Review of formal requirements
  • Format and style
  • The acceptance of the publication conditions
  • Review of the declaration of conflicts of interest and compliance with general regulations of the journal.

The assigned reviewers will have no relationship with the authors or with the affiliation institutions. In the event of a conflict of interest, they must notify the Editor.

Some examples of conflicts of interest between the Author and the reviewer may be:

  • Personal or family relationship
  • Previous professional or collaborative relationship
  • Sponsorship or financing
  • Be employed at the same institution

The editor review process typically takes approximately two (2) weeks.

Peer review generally takes three (3) weeks.

More information about the reviewing formats:

Review decision

The Editor will notify the corresponding author of the reviewers' comments approximately 5 weeks after submission, along with any of the following options:

  • Accepted for publication: no changes required.
  • Publishable subject to minor revisions: once the authors comply with the reviewers' observations, the Editor will verify their compliance and decide whether to accept or reject the revised manuscript.
  • Publishable subject to major revisions: once the authors comply with the reviewers' observations, the Editor will determine if the modified manuscript should be submitted again for review and will decide whether to accept or reject the revised manuscript.
  • Rejected: the article is not accepted due to significant objections regarding the originality of the content, inadequate methodology, inconclusive results, ethical conflicts, among others.

Correction of the manuscript

The modified manuscript after the review process must be sent through the system in a period of no more than two (2) weeks, following the following recommendations:

  • Prepare a Word document by highlighting the modified or added text in red.
  • Prepare a response letter to each referee's recommendations. Mention the position of the modification based on the previous document: page, paragraph and line.
  • Prepare the files with the data of tables and figures in formats that allow the preservation of information: PDF/A, xls, TIFF, etc., if required.
  • Carefully review compliance with the journal's format.
  • Consign the final version of the manuscript, together with the response document and the supports requested from the author.

Publication acceptance

The Corresponding Author will be notified about the acceptance of publication by email. The article will be published in the next issue of EASI journal.

Prepare your article

Letters / reports

En esta categoría no es necesario reportar nuevos conocimientos, sino discutir temas de interés de la revista, con una opinión amplia y sostenida. Se recomienda el envío de 3000 palabras por comunicación.

Research articles

Se pueden enviar manuscritos de no más de 6000 palabras que aborden una pregunta sobre un aspecto disciplinar teórico o aplicado, generalmente a través de un estudio científico, o presentando un nuevo método de solución para una categoría particular de problemas.

SoA reviews

Esta opción ofrece análisis críticos, sistemáticos y exhaustivos de no más de 8000 palabras para dar salida a novedosas fronteras teóricas y experimentales de la ingeniería, sobre avances, tendencias e investigaciones futuras relacionadas con el estado del arte o la técnica actual. El artículo debe ofrecer un aporte significativo en el análisis por parte del investigador.

Special Issue

The journal invites colleagues and experts in industry interoperability-related topics to propose co-editing special issues on emerging themes that promote the interest of the scientific and professional community.

Send a proposal

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Personal data includes: name, last name, filiation, email, ORCID Cod., website, and any other relevant information required by editors to complete the editorial process. In all cases users must consent, voluntarily and directly through the website, any further uses of the information.

We will ask you to consent the use of strictly neccesary 'cookies' to provide a more personalized and responsive service.  Cookies are not used if you do not register on the website.

Principles for data processing:

  • Principle of “lawfulness, fairness and transparency”: all personal information will be provided by the website in a transparent manner.
  • Principle of “purpose”: the registered data will not be subsequently processed in a  incompatible manner with the purposes described in this section.
  • Principle of "minimization of data": through the web page, forms are displayed that request the minimum information necessary to comply with the editorial process during the period of data conservation and accessibility conditions.
  • Principle of “accuracy”: The Committee is responsible for updating the data if it is inaccurate or when updating is required to comply with the purposes setted in this section.
  • Principle of "Storage limitation": The data will be kept during of the editorial process and anonymised before de publication.
  • Principle of “integrity and confifentiality” : This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is an open access journal manager and software developed, funded, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project. OPJ uses firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to data.

Responsible for data processing:

Editorial Committee-EASI Magazine

Research Management of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering

Guayaquil University

Av. Juan Tanca Marengo with Av. Las Aguas, 09112. Guayaquil-Ecuador
