Analysis of moderation between social factors and consumer behaviour




Social factor, consumer behavior, level of experience, age


The main objective of this research is to analyse how the level of experience and age influence the relationship between social factors and consumer behaviour in mixed shopping canters. The approach used in this research is quantitative at a descriptive, correlational level whose sample was 300 individuals. The exploratory study at KMO= 0.70. The results revealed a positive and significant moderating impact of experience levels on the relationship between the factors (b=0.27, t=-4.61, p˂.001), which supports H1. Regarding H2, the results reveal a non-significant positive moderating impact of experience levels (b=0.01, t=-0.03, p=0.896), not being enough to support H2. Analyses showed that the effect was stronger at low levels of experience, fading as experience increased, on the other hand, as age level increased the strength of the relationship between social factor and consumer behaviour.


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Author Biographies

Irene María Feijoo Jaramillo, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Commercial Engineer, Specialist in Leadership and Management, Higher Diploma in Project Design and Master in Management of Educational and Social Projects. Professor of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala, author of texts on Entrepreneurship, Research and topics related to Marketing. Place of residence Machala-Ecuador

Carlos Bolívar Sarmiento Chugcho, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Master in Project Management from the Escuela Politécnica del Litoral- Graduate School of Business Administration, has a Master's in educational research and innovation from the Casa Grande University, as well as a Specialty in Public Policies and Decentralized Management in education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. He has a Sufficiency in the English language obtained at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Ejército. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Alicante, Spain. He served as Academic Coordinator of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences from March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016. He has been a speaker at national congresses: II International Congress of Science and Technology, CTEC 2016 with the topics: Transformation from conventional medium-sized companies to intelligent companies in the city of Machala; Economic census of merchants in the urban area of ​​the city of Machala and Design Thinking in the development of entrepreneurship and innovation projects in higher education students. III International Congress on Research and Innovation in Business Development with the theme Innovation in small and medium-sized companies, the commercial sector, a look from R&D. In the same way, he has been an international speaker at the International Economic Development and Social Sustainability Congress VI EDASS. He has written the following specialized books:

Eduardo Pulla – Carlos Sarmiento, 2016, Investment Projects, Technical University of Machala, Machala, Ecuador, 154 pp.

Alexandra Solórzano - Carlos Soto, Mario Maridueña, Carlos Sarmiento, Salomón Arias, Irene Feijoo, 2017, Entrepreneurship for life, Compas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 274 pp.

Carlos Sarmiento, Alexandra Solórzano – Isabel Ramón, Feijoo, 2017, Cases of investment projects, Compas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 125 pp.

He has authored a chapter with Juan Guerrero - Carlos Sarmiento, 2016, III Chapter, Financial Mathematics for Investment Projects, Technical University of Machala, Machala, Ecuador, 124 pp.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Vásquez, L. G., Feijoo Jaramillo, I. M., & Sarmiento Chugcho, C. B. (2024). Analysis of moderation between social factors and consumer behaviour. Revista Universidad De Guayaquil, 138(1), 25–36.



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