Information For Readers

EASI: Engineering and Applied Sciences in Industry is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original and high-quality research on flexibility and interoperability in industry and the relationship between industry and society. The journal is committed to disseminating knowledge and advances in the field, and serves as a platform for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to share their findings and contribute to the development of the discipline.

Open Access

EASI is an open-access journal, which means that all published articles are freely available for reading and downloading. This allows researchers, academics, and professionals around the world to access the latest advances in the field of industrial engineering.

Author's copyright

Contributions published in the EASI journal follow the open access license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0). This license empowers you as an author and ensures wide dissemination of your research while still protecting your rights.

For authors:

  • Authors retain copyrights without restrictions according to CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
  • The journal obtains a license to publish the first original manuscript.

For readers/users:

Free access and distribution: Anyone can access, download, copy, print, and share the published article freely according to the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms.

Attribution required: If any third party use the published material, they must give credit to the creator by providing the name, article title, and journal name, ensuring the intellectual property of the author(s), and helping to build the scholarly reputation.

Non-commercial use: only noncommercial use of the published work is permitted. Noncommercial means not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation by any third party.

No modifications allowed: The content of the published article cannot be changed, remixed, or rebuilt upon the author’s work. This ensures the integrity and accuracy of the research findings.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the full license terms:


Definitions, scope, and license terms:

By publishing under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, authors contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge while retaining control over their work. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the journal editors.

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