Mitigation of Environmental Noise Pollution in the surroundings of a Higher Education Institution through the Implementation of Strategies in a Social Marketing Plan


  • Javier Duque-Aldaz University of Guayaquil
  • Hugo Pérez Benítez University of Guayaquil
  • Jaime Fierro Aguilar University of Guayaquil
  • Galo Tobar Farías University of Guayaquil



social marketing, viral marketing, noise pollution, environmental noise, education


Context: The research provides an overview of the environmental noise pollution in the surroundings of a university and its impact on the teaching-learning process, this is approached from the pedagogical perspective, environmental noise pollution and social marketing. The WHO in its standards indicates the permissible decibels for each area such as: residences, industries and educational centers. Method: A study was conducted in order to know the degree of understanding or perception of students about this problem. The method used was non-probabilistic convenience sampling of 449 young people from generation Z, with a survey of 18 questions. Results: As a solution, we propose the development of a social marketing plan for a campaign to mitigate environmental noise in the surroundings of an education center. This plan must fulfill 12 points, in which social marketing, guerrilla marketing and digital marketing strategies will be developed, as well as the collaboration of Influencers. Conclusions: Noise is a problem that affects everyone, and in this case its impact on the learning process is presented. We propose the use of strategies such as guerrilla, viral and digital marketing; to publicize the proposals, such as a training and awareness campaign, with the collaboration of Influencers. Strategies are defined for public transportation, cabs, such as carrying advertising referring to not honking the horn if it is not necessary.


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