Higher education in Ecuador from the perspective of the perspective of the organic code of the social economy of knowledge
education, competitiveness, production, knowledge, human talentAbstract
Higher education n Ecuador has evolved from a bread conception of it to its clase link with quality, research, equity, social responsibility, diversity, interculturality and the contexts in which contemporary universities operate. This aims to strengthen the conviction that the Ecuadorian university has an inescapable social responsibility that goes beyond the academic and professional, because this social responsibility is what really determines its relevance and quality. In this context, it is necessary to conceive the dynamics in the university as a space far the construction of analysis and meaning among the entities involved, since it is the aspiration of a human and cultural university to consider the contradictions and challenges demanded by the existence of universities tempered by their social and historical time. In the Ecuadorian University, the legal regulations on education make the university a key element of the third and fourth evel training system, both as a prov der of human capital as a prometer of new companies and technologies. This new role is confirmed, with the pre-established requirements in the Academic Regime Regulation (RRA) which in ts content establishes new ways to obtain professional qualifications based on scientific research -among others- and a clear example of this is the "Prometheus Program. Where foreign specialists in scientific research are strengthening the development of the investigative competences of the Ecuadorian public university. These competences are an approach to education and not a pedagogical model, because they do not pretend to be an ideal representation of the entire educational process; On the contrary, they focus on certain conceptual and methodological aspects of education and the management of human talent, the ntegration of knowledge in performance, such as knowing how to be, knowing how to do, knowing how to be. With the adoption of public policies on education, an increasingly informed society is expected, capable of assessing and improving the activities related to the production of knowledge where the Ecuadorian researcher s al the level of regional and global competitiveness, among others. so many aspects related to education and knowledge production.
Constitución de la República del Ecuador
Código Orgánico de la Economía Social del Conocimiento
METODOLOGIAS EDUCATIVAS: https://innovacioneducativa.wordpress.com/2007/10/08/metodoloqias-educativas/
Triángulo del neo-desarrollismo en Ecuador http://www.scielo.org.mxlpdf/prode/v47n185/0301-7036-prode-47-185-00161.pdf
Cómo salir de a trampa del lento crecimiento y la alta desigualdad? http://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/prode/v47n185/0301-7036-prode-47-185-00185.pdf
Sociedad del conocimiento, conocimiento social y gestión territorial http://www.interacoes.ucdb.br/article/view/583
Reflexiones acerca de la pertinencia e impacto de a educación superior en ecuador desde su perspectiva actual http://runachayecuador.com/refcale/index.php/enrevista/article/view/2279
Tercera ola de transformación de a educación superior en ecuador http://www.sciencespo.fr/opalc/sites/sciencespo.fr.opalc/files/Tercera_ola_de_transformacion_de_la_educacion_superior_en_Ecuador3.pdf
La responsabilidad social en a universidad española http://revistas.usal.es/index.php/1130-3743/article/view/13065
Copyright (c) 2018 Rocio de las Mercedes Ballesteros Jiménez, Washington Javier Bazantes Escobar, Angélica María Gaibor Becerra
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