The construction of an education of the Good Living from the study of the technologies of the communication and the information
ICT, education, web 2.0, information and knowledge societyAbstract
Inside the topic ICTs for education this research does an exploratory approach by the major substantive theories about the variables: information and knowledge society, contemporary education and information and communication technologies, in order to know what are the contributions, benefits and opportunities of ICT for the education's construction of good living in Ecuador. For this purpose, this paper exposes a literature review in order to compose the art's state of this subject, through a study of contents in the next documents: indexed journals, official documentation of ICT, literature review and content's analysis. In conclusion the present work infers that is really important the empowerment of ICT in dynamic process of education because students are the generation who should change the meaning of education 2.0. Finally, this paper focuses on a new paradigm about how should be the teaching-learning of the XXI century: linking, through science, humanism's concepts and ICT in order to find solutions to the human lífe's problems, building a good proposal closer to our context as citizens with rights and obligations.
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