Denture stomatitis in older patients


  • Rolando Saez Carriera University of Guayaquil
  • Daynelkis Santana Echevarría University of Guayaquil
  • Raúl Zumba Macay University of Guayaquil
  • Miguel Alvarez Aviles University of Guayaquil
  • Otto Vicente Campos Mancero University of Guayaquil



denture stomatitis, older patients


Subprosthesis stomatitis is an inflammatory condition of the oral mucosa, multi-causal etiology that presents asymptomatically, whose chronic reaction in the most advanced cases can generate proliferative phenomena predisposing oral cancer, therefore a descriptive study was conducted to characterize the behavíor in patients treated in the Rocclar dental medica! center in Guayas city,ecuador in the period from September to November 2015 as age, sex, degree of the disease, quality and ha bit of use dental prostheses. Questioning and oral exam, where they threw as results in our study denture stomatitis occurs primarily in patients aged between 60-69 years of age and females being Grade II the most frequent disease was performed , linking regular quality dentures and use continuously, the same also the emergence of mothers was associated with low knowledge about stomatitis subprosthesis Conclusions: stomatitis subprosthesis in the elderly have an independent behavíor about sex, age group, but it depends on the quality of the prosthesis and the habit of use


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