Application of the Techniques of study in Higher Education


  • Marivel Jurado Ronquillo University of Guayaquil
  • Raúl López Férnandez Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
  • Belkys Quintana Suárez University of Guayaquil
  • Carlota Bayas Jaramillo University of Guayaquil
  • Diana Eliza Palmero Urquizas Universidad de Cienfuegos



techniques, creativity, knowledge, goals


Educating creativity is to educate for change and train people capable to be: original, flexible, future vision, initiative, confidence, lovers of risks and lend to face obstacles and problems they are presented in their school life and daily, in addition, to offer tools for innovation. Creativity can be developed through the educational process, promoting potential and achieving better utilization of individual and group resources in the process of teaching and learning, and this reaches its maximum range from each of the techniques that teachers be able to apply for the development of the objectives proposed in each class. Toe main objective of this research is to describe some of the techniques of study in higher education, which are still insufficient in their educational practical application for improving the teaching-learning process of the university. Toe basic methods used were, the theoretical level the synthetic analytical and logical and empirical level historical document analysis. Toe main results were described techniques study the field of creative knowledge are developed, enabling the development of knowledge in all areas of human activity and is the product of a particular social historical development, these are applied depending on context, the subject, the objectives, and in turn influence these and each of the social changes that transcends throughout the formation of human beings. It can be concluded that studies have described techniques that provoke creativity in the teaching process of universities.


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