Web application for the visualization of statistical indicators (economy and education) and digital repository. Case study: ULEAM Multidisciplinary Territorial Observatory.


  • Alex Santamaria-Philco Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Andrea Loor Vicuña Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • José Sánchez Pico Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Doris Macías Mendoza Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí




Web application, statistical indicators, repository


Context: Web applications are common solutions that respond to the requirements posed by the client since the competitive and globalized world in which we live shows the need for technology that simplifies processes. The Multidisciplinary Territorial Observatory of the ULEAM as part of the current Organic Structure of the University is in charge of carryingout projects in conjunction with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Governments (GAD) of the province of Manabí and public, private and mixed institutions Therefore, there is the need to collect and publish social impact information made by those who make up the ULEAM, additionally to integrate subprojects such as: statistical indicators, which allowsthe visualization of statistical content of the country and ageographic viewer. Method: The development of the applicationis done under the precepts of the SCRUM framework and the application of applied technological tools to solve an institutional problem. The development of the application is done under the precepts of the SCRUM framework and the application of applied technological tools to solve an institutional problem, for these technological resources were used such as the use of Postgre SQL databases, PHP programming languages, JavaScript,HTML and CSS, in addition to the application of the Eloquent frameworks from Laravel, Bootstrap and the use of the PowerBI tool in order to provide interactive visualizations to statistical indicators. Results: A product is obtained that seeks to benefitthe community, since the information provided will be a support for the development of future projects. Conclusions: The tool was implemented in the Territorial Observatory after being successfully evaluated in functionality and performance tests.

Author Biography

Doris Macías Mendoza, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí

Docente Investigadora


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