The construction environment in the development of mathematical-logical thinking in lnitial Education


  • Janed Garnacha Camacho Veloz Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Geofre Pinos Morales Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Victor Viteri Valle Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



Construction environment, learning environment, logical - mathematical skills, method of significant educational spaces


The present investigation exhibits a methodological proposal of creation of a learning environment for the potentialization of the logical - mathematical thought in the initial education. The creation of the environment or better known as learning comer, is based on the application of three established phases, plus the application of the methodology of creation of significant educational spaces of Varón and Otálora (2012), becoming a new practical tool for the teachers of early ages. Through the application of this new pedagogical technique, infants will be able to show the skills acquired in the process, and teachers will also be able to show the fruit of their work as regulator of the acquisition of mathematical knowledge of the child.


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