Competitiveness Model to study the performance of a Municipality. Case Can ton of Guayaquil


  • Galo Ernesto Cabanilla Guerra Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil



Local Competitiveness, competitiveness model, human capital, intelectual capital, econometric methods


Toe competitiveness of organizations is the model that defines the use of best practices, which highlights the strength of the lnstitution, innovation, use of technology, the efficiency of the labor market among other things and the way to achieve this is with human capital. Gary Becker s theory shines everyday in the awareness of the organizations having increasingly competitive professionals, skills and abilities, so it has been shown that human talent can be conducted by investigation, develop societies and constantly innovation.The results of the investigation were ordered from the application of econometric, statistical and mathematical methods using computer software: Mathcad and Eviews, obtaining there search model consisting of variables: human resources, governance, human capital, quality oflife and technology. The thorough analysis of the results and allowed variables incorporated in the proposed Competitiveness Model for Cantan Guayaquil, human capital as a strategyto implement in arder to obtain competitive professionals to strengthen the intelectual capital ofthe organization type Municipality and give value to the organization with valuable intangible to the institution, be a pioneer andan example to ali municipalities with the same or similar features.


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