The active participation of the various actors in cultural management
cultural management, development, self-development, public participation, government policies.Abstract
Toe purpose of cultural management is creating conditions for the development of culture cultural policy as deliberate intervention is assumed in the field of culture marked by political patronage and welfarism practices, the dominant vision of development contained in the government cultural policies and cultural management, is that this comes from outside through projects where recipients are beneficiaries of public policies. So the customer is treated as objects and not as active and creative subject, in keeping with the idea that the State must doer respect to cultural development. In Ecuador this problem is present, when there is an intention, a formulation and implementation of policies clearly aimed at social inclusion. It is essential that public participation adequately involve citizens in knowledge, dialogue and decision for the realization of the interests and demands of the various sectors of the community and its strengthening. In Ecuador it implies empowerment at the culture that involves citizen mobilization to act on inequality. Hence the centrality of participation in such management confirmed when, in methodological perspective inner self puts it looked when carrying out scientific inquiry about such activity, making it emerge as essential the role ofindividuals and groups involved.
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