Climate change and renewable energy in national high school curriculum of Ecuador


  • Christian Pavón Brito Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte



Physics Teaching, High School, Currículum Design, Renewable Energy


The paper analyzes the importance given to the concepts of renewable energy and climate change, within the curricular blocks of materials of first, second and third years of high school physics. Given the little attention that is offered in these years to the concepts ofrenewable energy and climate change, decided to expand the matter ofphysical upper, which is taught in the third year ofhigh school, in order to satis fy sorne of the shortcomings observed. Such shortcoming s are rela­ ted to content limited to teach, both in time and amount of topic s, on renewable energy and climate change. This, despite the momentous importance both for the continuity of life on our planet. The work aims to contribute to the objecti­ves set by the Ministry of education of Ecuador for the matter of Physics in the General unified baccalaureate, as well as the promotion of interest in students by the University study of physics and racing oriented to the solution ofthe various difficulties arising from such problems.


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