Bullying in the ecuadorian basic general education school
bullying, childhood and adolescence, constitutional rights, social awarenessAbstract
The aim of study was to assess the frequency, demonstrations and bullying feelings students daily face. Methods such as inductive, deductive and analytic synthetic logical historical literature review were used. Techniques and instruments such as the Survey and observation were used. The work was developed al Jesus of Nazareth school, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Its population rose to 546 students and the sample was of 145 student s; a survey was applied, based on an initial observation, of what learners know about student bullying; their perception, levels of personal involvement, causes and consequences of bullying were applied, among others. The results of this survey were, in all cases, the presence of high percentages of bullying among student s of different grades. Similarly, causes, types of manifestations and consequences of bullying were detected. It was concluded that the percentage of children and youth who suffer bullying at school, has sim il arity to the latest National Survey of Children and Adolescents (NSCA) held in 2010 in the country as well as the referents on Latin America.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Lenin Mendieta Toledo, Katiuska Rubira Carvache, Flor Arteaga Ureta, Jhon Chamba Zambrano
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