Belief in fake news and prevention behaviors of COVID-19: moderating effect of Belief in a Just World




Fake News, Belief in a Just World, COVID-19, Public Health


Context: Hygiene and social distancing were recommended as strategies to mitigate the proliferation of COVID-19 early in the pandemic. Despite their importance, many people resisted implementing such strategies. In this sense, it is important to understand social and psychological processes underlying people's prevention behaviors regarding COVID-19. Method: This research aimed to assess the influence of fake news (FN) and belief in a just world (BJW) on prevention behaviors for the COVID-19. 198 participants indicated the extent to which they believed in FN about COVID-19, answered questions about their hygienic behavior and social distancing, completed the personal BJW scale, and answered a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results indicated that believing in FN was associated with fewer hygienic behaviors [β=-0,17, t(195)=-2,44, p=0,016] and less social distancing [β=-0,16, t(195)=-2,28, p=0,024]. Personal BJW moderated the effects of FN on social distancing [β=0,16, t(194)=2,21, p=0,028]. Results: These results show the impact of FN on prevention behaviors during the pandemic and illustrate the role of BJW on this relationship. Conclusions: It was concluded that it is essential to inform the population by trustworthy sources of knowledge and that public figures only disseminate scientifically accurate information. Although BJW may mitigate the negative impact of misinformation, the reduction of fake news and its impact is of utmost importance for public health during a pandemic.

Author Biographies

João Gabriel Modesto, Centro Universitário de Brasília / Universidade Estadual de Goiás

Doctor en Psicología Social, del Tabajo e de las Organizaciones, Centro Universitário de Brasília / Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Brasil,

Victor N. Keller, Michigan State University

Estudiante de posgrado en Psicología, Michigan State University, EE.UU

Júlia Louise Silva Lopes, Centro Universitário de Brasília

Psicóloga, Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brasil


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