
To ensure a smooth and efficient editorial process, the Revista Universidad de Guayaquil provides detailed instructions for both authors and reviewers. Below, you will find links to download the respective instructions.

Available Instructions

  1. Instructions for Authors
    These instructions provide a comprehensive guide on the manuscript submission requirements, including formatting, style, and necessary components for article submission. Be sure to follow these instructions to facilitate the evaluation and publication process.
    Download Instructions for Authors

  2. Instructions for Reviewers
    These instructions offer a detailed guide on the manuscript review process, including evaluation criteria, how to provide constructive feedback, and deadlines for reviews. Follow these instructions to ensure a rigorous and constructive evaluation.
    Download Instructions for Reviewers

Additional Instructions

  • Formatting and Style: Ensure your manuscript adheres to the formatting and style requirements specified in the instructions for authors.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Reviewers should follow the provided evaluation criteria to ensure an objective and constructive review.
  • Deadlines: Adhere to the indicated deadlines for manuscript submission and review to maintain the efficiency of the editorial process.

We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to the quality of our journal. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial team.