Development of a B2C e-commerce web application through front-end and back-end development technologies. Case study "El Descanso" hardware store


  • Sebastian Coello Quezada University of Guayaquil
  • Oscar Peñafiel Chele University of Guayaquil
  • Ángela Yanza Montalván University of Guayaquil



Back-end, B2C, e-commerce, front-end, Web application


Context: The hardware store "El Descanso" currently carries out its sales, purchase and inventory activities through an application developed in VisualFox, over time the system has become obsolete since there are better technologies. It was proposed to develop a web application using the B2C e-commerce business model through front-end and back-end development technologies to automate the processes handled within the hardware store. Method: The collection of information is carried out through interviews and surveys aimed at the staff and customers of the hardware store, with the aim of knowing the problems. To manage the project, SCRUM was used, which through sprints allows a better order in the activities to be carried out; on the other hand, the implemented software development methodology is XP, this is based on constant communication with those involved in the project. Results: After the development of the B2C e-commerce web application, the purchase process time was reduced by 34.42%, while the sales process time decreased by 7.80%. Conclusions: Finally, the data from the satisfaction survey show that the administrative staff of the hardware store is satisfied with the product.


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