Change of the extensive system of management and feeding by semi-intensive in cattle of meat in the Ecuador


  • Maria Salazar University of Guayaquil
  • Pedro Cedeño University of Guayaquil



management fattening steers intensive, intensive feeding with King Grass, pasture steers fattening or finishing Brahman, Brahman bulls fattening integers and neutered


The research was conducted in the Canton Antonio Elizalde (Bucay), province of Guayas, Ecuador; South America. The objectives were to measure weight gain of steers of brahman breed fattening in entire and castrated in the phase of fattening or 300Kg, King grass-fed chopped grass, diet and ration food and intensive management. Use d 20 bullock s brahman of24 months and 300Kg B.W. divided into four groups of 5 each, 5 who le and 5 geldings, they fed only grass King chopped grass; 5 who le and 5 geldings were fed grass King crushed grass and a diet concentrated, the statis tic al method of design was factorial 2 x 2 random. The result s determined weight gain total average of 87.6 Kg equivalent to 0,545 Kg by U.A. (Anima l unit), daily gain from birth to 24 months (G.D.P.) weight was 0,362 Kg/ day. There was no statis tic al difference between the groups in entire and castrated total weight gain of King grass-fed chopped grass and fed only grass concentrate and whole food diet King chopped grass, three groups were higher; the gelding group fed only grass King chopped grass was less 13.8 Kg - 15. 7%. Generated proposals are: the intensive system of management and feeding pasture King grass to increase the lo ad of I to 20 AU / Ha; Not neutered , entire male s are more productive than the geldings; Neutering and supplement concentrated only in cases where the market outweigh the difference by quality of the meat.


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