Development of alimentary products as of the peels of the banana


  • Raúl Fernández University of Guayaquil
  • José Quiróz University of Guayaquil
  • Radium Avilés University of Guayaquil
  • Delia Noriega University of Guayaquil
  • Christian Villavicencio University of Guayaquil
  • Esther Cevallos University of Guayaquil
  • Karina del Pilar Mandra University of Guayaquil
  • Sheyla Sánchez University of Guayaquil
  • José Marcial University of Guayaquil



Agricultural remainders, analysis and evaluation of foods, Peels of banana, Techniques for production and conservation of foods


Unlike which many think, the remainders or tailings are not material useless that is more than enough or bothers, but that in most cases t results in a best raw material for other productive processes. For the case of investigation this letter it s considered as agricultural remainders the peels of the green banana and the mature banana tree and the fundamental objective of the investigation went the production as of the same of jellies and other eatable in form products of preserved foods, sausages and hamburger. The selection of the raw material makes keeping in mind the abundance and the relative facility in getting the peels of these species. They applied to him the techniques of the production and conservation of foods and as of the raw materials used went fiting to him the formulations through different experimental runs. Were used the condiments usually used in the alimentary industry for this type ofproductions. As a result of the experiment to obtaining a range of capable products for the human consumption from the physical viewpoint- chemist and microbiological, as well as organoleptic accepted as ofthe criterion ofevaluating qualified in such bodily needs.


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