Behavior of six antagonistic fungus alternaria solani in controlled conditions of inoculation


  • Leticia Vivas Vivas University of Guayaquil
  • Mariuxi Molina Yaure University of Guayaquil



Antagonist, Trichoderma asperellum, T. harzianum, Hypocrea lixi


The cultivation of tomato is affected by A/ternaria solani conventional management is using fungicides, the curren! trend is to reduce the use of agrochemicals and find effective alternatives. The objective was to assess six strains of antagonistic fungi in controlled conditions of infection. Strains of antagonistic fungi were Trichoderma asperellum, Hypocrea lixi and two unidentified. Laboratory were evaluated in three doses 1x106 , 1x108 y 1x1010 conidia/ml of each strain on the germination of spores of a. solani; in greenhouse tomato seedlings cultivated Floradade previously ofinoculated with a. solani and asperjaron with 1x1010 conidia/ml, provided moisture for two hours in the morning and afternoon with a humidifier. Was evaluation every week based on the modified Large (1996), Horsfall-Barratt scale from O to 9 where: 0= plant healthy and 9 = dead plant. Laboratory used a DCA agreement + 2 factorial and greenhouse only DCA, both with five experimental units, the comparison ofmeans with Duncan test p = 0, 05. Saw temperature and relative humidity. Pedro Carbo and EELS strains had the lowest percentages of infected leaflets; the temperature favourable for the development ofthe disease was 24-26 ºC and relative humidity 60%.


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