Quality of living of young adults with hiv / aids non adherents the antiretroviral treatment coas tal region
HIV/AIDS, Non-adhcrent to antiretroviral treatment, Protocolo terapéutico, Locus ControlAbstract
The wrong adherence to sexual transmitted diseases treatment is due to a poor quality oflife that leads to a premature death. This global phenomenon affects the individual, family, the environment and the State in ethical and moral manners.There fore, it is recommended to establish the healthy habits that young adults with HIV/AIDS non adherents to the antiretroviral treatment must maintein, in other to prevent added. lf we develop a Therapeutic Protocol with integral and assertive dimensions, patients non adherents to the antiretroviral treatment can be incorporated in pharmacologic vigilance programs. The lntervention Project was multidisciplinary and multifactorial. The Therapeutic Protocol: a) Questionnaires an surveys (KR-20 formula was used to measure internal consistency). b) Psychological Support. e) Counseling. d) Therapeutic Education. e) Telephone Strategy. f) Language Therapy. 69 patients were monitored among 232 individuals reported as non adherents, between 19 and 41 years of age, from a low social economical segment or living under extreme poverty. The pharmacological vigilance program from the José Rodríguez M. lnfectology Hospital confirmed that 93.8% ofthe patients adhered to the treatment after the second month of activity.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Maria Enireb, Patricia Mite, Andrea Aspiazu, Mariana Gonzales
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.