Originality Letter Format

The Revista Universidad de Guayaquil requires all submitted manuscripts to be accompanied by an originality letter. This letter certifies that the work is original and has not been previously published or is under consideration for publication in another journal. Below, you will find the link to download the originality letter template.

Available Template

Originality Letter
Use this template to declare the originality of your manuscript. Ensure that all authors sign the letter before submitting it along with your article.
Download Originality Letter Template

Additional Instructions

  • Complete Information: Fill out all required fields in the template, including the manuscript title and the names of all authors.
  • Signatures: Ensure that all authors sign the letter. Signatures can be electronic or handwritten.
  • Submission: Attach the originality letter along with your manuscript during the submission process on the OJS platform.

We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to academic integrity. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial team.