Educational inclusion, Disability, Reasonable accommodations, Social model, Universal Design for LearningAbstract
Inclusive education has been a fundamental goal in the contemporary Argentine
educational field, driven by a series of normative and theoretical frameworks, both national
and international, that aim to guarantee the human right to access and participation for all
individuals in the educational, social, and labor spheres, regardless of their individual
differences. The objective of this article is to explore some of the key concepts and
theoretical perspectives that underpin this inclusive vision, focusing on the importance of
accessibility and reasonable adjustments in the Argentine educational context.
In recent decades, with the incorporation of new concepts into the educational system, we
have seen how pedagogical discourse has been adorned with eloquence regarding the
inclusion of students with disabilities, which seduces many of us. However, when it comes
to applying this discourse in real school cases, we often perceive that it dissolves countless
Educational inclusion is a fundamental principle that seeks to guarantee quality education
for all students, regardless of their personal, social, or cultural characteristics. In the context
of disability, this approach focuses on eliminating barriers to learning and participation
through the implementation of strategies such as Universal Design for Learning and
reasonable adjustments. This article explores these concepts, covering legal frameworks
such as the National Education Law 26.206 and the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities, as well as the theoretical and practical perspectives of various influential
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