Make communication in the south of the south: The practice of journalism away from the capital


  • Karina Benítez Luzuriaga Universidad Técnica de Machala



journalism, journalistic routines, periphery, local reality


Toe journalistic work involves a series of routines that the maker of news should make to rebuild a fact and -shaped message- it available to the reading public. Toe stor yteller, as well as their academic qualifications must meet a number of qualities, characteristics and skills that allow them to perform their work in the best way. Newsrooms are formed in scenarios where the use oftechnology "rethink" the facts. Toe correctuse of language and images and write the note fulfilling the style manual or code of ethics established by the environment are determining factors. That routinization has been discussed in mainstream media,where we can say there are common patterns and theories of the production processes used to study the news and actors that produce them. That reality takes another hue in newspapers of the provinces, thosefar from large cities. Local newspapers with limited circulation, with also limited financia! budget. Toe article reflects on this process of news production, based on a series of interviews with journalists from Machala newspapers, a small city, located in the south of Ecuador, where the reality is not the same as the one lived in capital.


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