Effect of two ph levels and four site preparation methods on growth of Pinus radiata


  • Anibal Arauja Molinal Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Adriana Nuñez Villacís Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Monica Sarango Ayo Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • Carolina Bañol Pérez Universidad Estatal de Milagro




pH, Pinus Radiata, mensuration, Ecuador, soil preparation


The research evaluated four methods of preparation of land and two pH levels, to observe the effect on the growth of Pinus radiata. Experiment San Juan de Pintag , Pichincha, Ecuador after relevant evidence was developed al the hacienda and the analysis of the obtained data, concluded the above-mentioned Treasury there in low productivity in agricultural production, due to the permanence of the soil conditions: high levels of salinity and alkalinity. The alternative solution is reforestation, an option for such lands, given the increasing demand for firewood and fodder.


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