Incidence of antiretroviral treatment on the quality of life of HIV/AIDS infected people, a case study.
HIV/AIDS, antiretroviral treatment, quality of lifeAbstract
This article describes an investigation on the incidence of antiretroviral treatment on the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). For this purpose, 211 patients were surveyed at the Hospital de lnfectología in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador). The SF-36 questionnaire and another questionnaire designed to measure adherence to treatment were used. The results were analyzed using an ordered logistic model. A factor analysis of the variability between observed variables was performed in terms of the unobserved variables. A Robust Ordinary Least Squares model was estimated to determine the factors influencing the quality of mental health of PLWHA. As a result, PLWHA presented high levels of vitality; in addition, the indices of physical function, vitality and mental health were related independently of the other indices. It was determined that among the factors that significantly affected health expectancies were income, time since ART initiation, mental health, and the number of people with whom the individual lives in the same household. Using factor analysis, it was identified that the frequency with which the individual felt tired or energetic was associated with his or her mood (nervous, depressed, calm, etc.). Likewise, the degree to which physical health interfered with work and other daily activities was related to emotional problems.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Telmo Fernández Ronquillo, Mario Fernández, Ernesto Rangel, María Olivares, Shirley Cedeño

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