Effectiveness of MBT technique in retraction of anterior segments in patients with extractions


  • Carolina Elizabeth Parrales Bravo University of Guayaquil




Alignment, camouflage, leveling, retraction


Through an interview with orthodontist specialists from the city of Guayaquil it was analized the necessity for a study, due to a certain lack of knowledge about the technique of MBT. As a result ofthis interview, it was decided to investigate in an analytical way, the function ofthe technique MBT in patients with extractions. The main purpose ofthis study was to validate this mechanical technique for use in orthodontics treatment in retraction phase of the previous segments for this purpose it was conducted an exploratory, qualitative and quantitative study and it was design for observational, analytic, correlational longitudinal and prospective, having study the variables over a period of time between January 2009 to February 2011. With this research it was evaluated and the MBT Technical Mechanic for being the most efficient mechanical option among orthodontics in order to become dentalprofessionals and specialists in orthodontics and in this way decrease the time of patients treatment.


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