Elaboration of a vegan short dread based on chocolate and moringa oleífera powder in the canton Samborondón province of Guayas.

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Mirian Alexandra Villavicencio Párraga
Luis Enrique Tumbaco Reyes
Marina Urbeci Arteaga Peñafiel


Gastronomy in the world has been evolving over time, every year there is a great variety and Delicious dishes that can be tasted in any corner of the country, gastronomy has made progress and that is how there are cities where you can enjoy its diversities as well as its culture, its traditions and its typical foods: the coastal region specifically in the Samborondón canton is where we will put into practice our research on the Moringa Oleífera, which is a shrub with innumerable nutritional properties, it is considered done of the foods that contribute to the well-being of human beings thanks to their variety of nutrients and benefits that they contribute to the body, we will use it as a proposal for the responsable application in a pastry product that, combined with cocoa, is an excellent proposal for its dissemination since it is produced only in 14 countries of the world.

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How to Cite
M. A. Villavicencio Párraga, L. E. Tumbaco Reyes, and M. U. Arteaga Peñafiel, “Elaboration of a vegan short dread based on chocolate and moringa oleífera powder in the canton Samborondón province of Guayas”., INQUIDE, vol. 5, no. 01, pp. 21–26, Jul. 2024.
Scientific Paper


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