Focus and scope

The Revista Universidad de Guayaquil is edited and published by the Universidad de Guayaquil, its publication is digital, open access and free, committed to the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Social Sciences. With a biannual periodicity, in the months of January and July, and a rigorous process of double-blind peer review, our journal is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and innovation in scientific research.


The journal is oriented towards the publication of original research, theoretical and methodological articles, critical reviews, and case studies that address contemporary and emerging issues in the various disciplines of the Social Sciences. We encourage an interdisciplinary perspective, considering the integration of approaches and methodologies that contribute to a deeper and more holistic understanding of social dynamics.


The scope of our journal includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  1. Sociology: Studies on social structure, social change, sociological theory, and research methodologies in social sciences.
  2. Anthropology: Ethnographic research, cultural studies, and comparative analysis of societies.
  3. Political Science: Analysis of political systems, political theory, public policies, and international relations.
  4. Economics: Applied economic studies, economic development, and analysis of economic policies.
  5. Social Psychology: Research on behaviors, attitudes, and group and individual processes in social contexts.
  6. Education: Studies on educational policies, pedagogy, and the social impact of education.
  7. Communication: Analysis of media, communication theory, and studies on the social impact of information technologies.

Our mission is to provide an academic platform that facilitates the exchange of ideas, promotes diversity of thought, and fosters the development of research that can positively influence public policies and the understanding of social complexities. We invite scholars, researchers, and professionals to contribute their work, ensuring that their research is accessible and relevant to a global audience.