The sesquicentennial of the distribution of the English debt among the member states that were part of Gran Colombia


  • Jorge Villacrés Moscoso Universidad de Guayaquil



In the month of April 1838, the Plenipotentiaries of New Granada, Venezuela and Ecuador met in Bogotá for the definitive distribution of what had constituted the English Debt, therefore, it is in this year that the Sesquicentennial is commemorated. The increasing expenses incurred in the fights for freedom led the Colombian Government to manage fabulous loans in England, in order to cover the most urgent needs that the war imposed. The Liberator entrusted the delicate mission of contracting such loans to Francisco Antonio Zea from Antioquia, the same one who went to London in 1820, invested with the rank of Plenipotentiary Minister and Extraordinary Envoy. He was empowered, according to the Agreement, to contract loans, up to one hundred million Pounds Sterling.


Flores Antonio.- Deuda Anglo – Ecuatoriana

Gaceta del Gobierno. Qulto 1838.

Guerrero Martínez, Alberto.- Deuda Externa del Ecuador. Revista de la Universidad de Guayaquil No. III.- 1930

Perazzo Nicolás.- La Deuda In- glesa de la Gran Colombia

Reyes, Oscar Efrén.- Historia de la República 1822-1925

Terán Emilio.- Deuda Anglo- Ecuatoriana.

Villacrés Moscoso, Jorge.- Política Comercial y Financiera del Ecuador.- 1959. Guayaquil.



How to Cite

Villacrés Moscoso, J. (1988). The sesquicentennial of the distribution of the English debt among the member states that were part of Gran Colombia. Revista Universidad De Guayaquil, 73(3), 173–191.



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