The grapho-perceptive as a strategy for the psychomotor development of children in early initial education.


  • María Yuquilema García Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • María Noboa Torres Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Geoffre López Guamán Universidad Estatal de Bolívar



psychomotor development, initial education, graphomotor skills, praxia


In this research, the diagnose graphomotor skills as a psychomotor strategic part, and cognitive development in early childhood children, for growth and effectiveness in everyday school activities. The review of research work related to motor skills, yields certain results that are alarming, in terms of motor development, generating difficulties and detachment in school responsibilities, especially in children in early childhood education. Throughout the investigation, in conjunction with the theoretical review, this problem is attacked based on graphomotor skills, as the main axis, capable of generating a series of knowledge and above all a methodological model that allows solving the observed situation. The subject becomes interesting, due to the amount of skills and abilities that the graphomotor as a tool, is throwing. The praxia, harmoniously accompanies the construction of the methodology, due to its goodness related to the psychomotor system to increase the body movement of the writing. This research has a qualitative, descriptive and explanatory approach, which reinforces the methodology applied. The conclusions and discussions will give support to the proposed methodology, which opens the doors to new lines of research, for future studies, related to the cognitive development in children of early education.


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How to Cite

Yuquilema García, M., Noboa Torres, M., & López Guamán, G. (2017). The grapho-perceptive as a strategy for the psychomotor development of children in early initial education. Revista Universidad De Guayaquil, 125(2), 28–41.



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