Human resource management and its evolution in industry 4.0




Industry 4.0, Transformation, Talent Human Management


The research proposal is to get the perspectives, evolution, and trends of human talent in the e
mergence of Industry 4.0 and its main characteristics. The qualitative methodology was appli
ed with a fundamental current bibliographic review, under an exploratory and descriptive desi
gn that denotes the current environment before the start of a new working model with the stre
ngthening and the transformation of the industry full automation and shows that human talent
you must take this reality as an opportunity for your growth and professional development in
this new era of information and knowledge.


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How to Cite

Segarra Jaime, H. P., Ordoñez Guartazaca, M., & Ortega, D. L. (2020). Human resource management and its evolution in industry 4.0. Revista Universidad De Guayaquil, 131(2), 1–18.



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