Legal Reflections on the Organic Communication Law Project


  • Eduardo Franco Loor



Constitution, International instruments, Organic law of communication, Freedom of expression and opinion, Professionalization of journalists and social communicators


In the current socio-political and economic circumstances of the country, there is a great debate about the possibility that the national assembly makes possible the creation of the Organic Law of communication, a legal instrument that in its project has received a wide rejection of some media social and political actors in opposition to the national government. We firmly believe in the need for the country to have a truly democratic communication law elaborated and constructed by all social actors and that represents an expeditious instrument to regulate and point out the high objectives of national journalism and social communication science as it is conceived. Currently, the project with technical plans, errors and inaccuracies, is important to improve it so that its concordance and adherence to the Constitution of Montecristo 2008 that mandates the creation of this Law is clear. which is in harmony with the main international instruments in Ecuador and the significant one therefore has not committed to respect and abide by


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MARCO GERARDO MONROY CABRA. "La interpretación Constitucional". Librería Ediciones del Profesional Ltda Segunda edición Bogotá- Colombia

HANS-GEORG GADAMER "Verdad y Método" Ediciones Sigueme-Salamanca 1998. tercera edición

RODOLFO LUIS VIGO. "interpretación Constitucional" Abeleo Perrot, Buenos Aires 1993

JULIO PRADO VALLEJO. ·Documentos Básicos de Derechos Humanos" Editorial Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. Quito, 1985

Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos de la ONU

Pacto internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos

Pacto de San José de Costa Rica.



How to Cite

Franco Loor, E. (2010). Legal Reflections on the Organic Communication Law Project. Revista Universidad De Guayaquil, 107(1), 63–68.



Scientific articles