
  • Lesvia Leonides Rodríguez Gardó Institución de procedencia: CUM José Martí Pérez
  • Mercedes Cecilia Hernández Quesada Institución de procedencia: CUM José Martí Pérez
  • Oscar Lorenzo Carrera Sotero Institución de procedencia: CUM José Martí Pérez



Quality, Stay, Obsolescence, Offer, Satisfaction, Product


Inventory management has a significant importance in the operation of the organizations dedicated to the commercialization. In most cases, this is done in an empirical way, in the absence of scientific methods or techniques that allow optimization. The present investigation overcomes these shortcomings through the elaboration of a procedure for the design of the Inventory Management System carried out at the Monte Carlo  lodging house located in the province of Cienfuegos, Cuba, which relies on specific procedures for the classification of Items in inventory and for the application of inventory models. The results obtained allowed to characterize the current state of the Inventory Management in the company under study, besides knowing the moment and the quantity of its orders taking into account several factors such as the demand, term of delivery, etc. These results constituted a validation of the proposed procedure and were preceded by the analysis of documents that dealt with definitions and concepts about Logistics, inventory, classification and inventory management systems.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gardó , L. L., Hernández Quesada, M. C., & Carrera Sotero, O. L. (2021). APPLICATION OF PROCEDURE FOR THE INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE MONTECARLO HOSTEL. Revista Minerva, 2(2), 68–84.


