Coexistence in hiking to the Plaza de Armas told by a multimedia




multimedia, preparation, hiking


The use of computer resource in the educational field has brought with it a better coexistences for teachers and students. The objective of this work is to design a multimedia in correspondence with the program of the subject History and hiking activities. To solve the stated objective, materials were used such as: Mediator 8.0 Exp. Applications and Adobe Photoshop CC for image processing and theoretical level methods: analytical – synthetic, and modeling. Results and discussion: multimedia was developed for the preparation of students in significant aspects that they will see in museums and historical spaces of the Plaza de armas and its surroundings. Conclusions: a multimedia with a friendly environment that is easy to handle that allows combining various materials of different extensions (texts, images, videos and animations) that contributes to cultural, ethical and aesthetic, training, stimulates a taste for history and the discovery of places interesting.


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How to Cite

Avila Portuondo, A. M., Bauye Plana , A., & Portuondo Barbón , A. M. (2022). Coexistence in hiking to the Plaza de Armas told by a multimedia. Revista Minerva, 3(4), 1–15.


