Characterization of skills in the curricular mesh of the industrial engineer: a methodological experience




systemic structure, skills, professional habits, industrial engineering, curricular framework


The writing of this article aims to diagnose the skills that the industrial engineering career curricula contain, specifically, in the subjects of “Quality Control” and “Quality Management”. The fact of not considering pedagogical, psychological and didactic sciences as sufficiently relevant sciences in the training of professionals for the engineering context, unquestionably hinders the theoretical and methodological improvement of teachers who direct learning. The objective of this research focuses on the assessment of skills as a systemic phenomenon that must prevail in the professional praxis of the educator of the house of higher education. Hence, the system approach, the historical-logical method and the analytical-synthetic method were used as methods for processing the collected information, which took place through the analysis of documents such as the course's curricular framework and its student profile. professional. One of the main results obtained supports the idea of ​​the lack of systematization of the skills declared in the programs of the subjects studied, in the different semesters, due to the absence of a theoretical and methodological conception that outlines the improvement of these objects of study. psychics, present in any university curriculum; in this case, in the Industrial Engineer's curriculum.


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How to Cite

Mejía Correa, J. J. A., Bermúdez Sarguera, R., Pentón Quintero, A., & Mejía Pérez, J. F. (2024). Characterization of skills in the curricular mesh of the industrial engineer: a methodological experience. Revista Minerva, 5(8), 110–123.