Wordwall as a teaching tool to strengthen mathematics learning





Wordwall, digital resource, meaningful learning


This research is based on the study of the digital resource Wordwall as a tool for managing the teaching-learning process. Its main objective is to determine the perception of the use of the digital tool as a teaching resource to enhance the significant learning of the students of the “Quito, Luz de América” Educational Unit of the San Lorenzo Canton of the Province of Esmeraldas. As for the methodology, it was carried out using a descriptive, documentary-type approach and, depending on the location, it was in the field. To collect data, surveys were used aimed at students on campus, which were previously validated by experts. The sample is of a non-probabilistic nature of 150 students whose selection criterion is based on them being students of the Higher Basic sublevel. Regarding the results, the following are obtained: the theoretical foundation is based on the analysis of academic articles of a scientific nature, around academic search keywords, an analysis is carried out that compares the management of teaching-learning through traditional resources versus the use of the digital resource Wordwall, the theoretical-practical aspects linked to the use of this educational resource in learning are technically contributed. Finally, the conclusion is obtained that the application of Wordwall as a digital resource is a tool that allows promoting motivation, attention and collaborative work in student learning..


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How to Cite

Mina Mina, C. S., Paredes Chandi, X. M., Santamaria Lopez, T. M., & Tapia Bastidas, T. (2024). Wordwall as a teaching tool to strengthen mathematics learning. Revista Minerva, 5(8), 34–52. https://doi.org/10.53591/minerva.v5i8.21