Wellens síndrome

Case report



Wellens syndrome, electrocardiogram, myocardial infarction


This is a 61-year-old male patient who was admitted through the emergency service. In the anamnesis he presents a sedentary lifestyle and overweight as the only risk factors and no previous cardiovascular history. He is admitted with a history of typical angina lasting two days. The first electrocardiogram recorded shows negative, deep and symmetrical T waves in the precordial leads. This condition meets the clinical and electrocardiographic criteria of Wellens syndrome, whose recognition and appropriate intervention would prevent a potential extensive anterior myocardial infarction.


Author Biography

DR. Roger Tenezaca Rodríguez, Universidad de Guayaquil

Especialista en Cardiología

Magister en Docencia en Educación Superior

Cardiólogo Clínico Hospital Guayaquil Abel Gilbert Pontón

Docente Universidad de Guayaquil

Miembro Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología

Miembro Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología

Guayaquil – Ecuador


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How to Cite

Tenezaca Rodríguez, D. R. (2023). Wellens síndrome: Case report. REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS, 4(2), 1–8. Retrieved from https://revistas.ug.edu.ec/index.php/fcm/article/view/993