Correlation between cytological and histopathological study in the diagnosis of differentiated thyroid carcinoma



thyroid carcinoma, fine needle aspiration, citology, histopathology


Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (CDT) comprises 1% of all carcinomas and is the most common endocrine malignant neoplasia. The gold standard in thyroid nodule diagnosis, in addition to ultrasound, is histopathological study, but fine needle aspiration (FNA) is simple, safe and has high rates of specificity and sensitivity. It is important to establish the degree of concordance between the two methods to make appropriate therapeutic decisions.

Objective: To determine the correlation between the cytological and histopathological study in CDT Diagnostics.

Methodology: The study is descriptive, correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional; included 237 patients with suspected thyroid cancer (CT) external endocrinology consultation of the hospital “Teodoro Maldonado Carbo” in Guayaquil period January 2016 to December 2017.

Results: The diagnosis with FNA, according to the Bethesda (SB) System found 144 patients with CDT, corresponding to category IV 14.8%, V 13.5% and VI 32.5% of the total. Papillary carcinoma represented 96% of total and follicular carcinoma only 4%. The histopathological examination reported 204 patients (86.1%) with CDT. The evaluation of the diagnostic methods showed a sensitivity of 67.2%, specificity 78.8%, reliability 69%. VPP 95%, VPN 27%. Conclusion: Cytologic study with SB is the acceptable method of predicting that a patient has CT, but is questionable to predict that he does not have it. The cytologic study, through FNA, if it has diagnostic concordance with histopathological study in the CDT.

Author Biography

Dr. Vladimir Vázquez Aguirre, Universidad de Guayaquil

Internista – Endocrinologo, Neuroendocrinologia, Hospital Santa Ines de Cuenca, H. Clínica San Agustin

Loja – Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Aguirre, D. V. (2023). Correlation between cytological and histopathological study in the diagnosis of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS, 4(1), 7–16. Retrieved from