Intestinal obstruction due to giant gastric trichobezoar

Bibliographic Review Regarding a Case


  • Dr. Alex Paul Guachilema Ribadeneira Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Dr. Eduardo Rodrigo Zambrano Cárdenas Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Dr. José Antonio Daza Merizalde Universidad de Guayaquil


intestinal obstruction, gastric tricobezoar, trichotillomania


The tricobezoar is a rare gastric tumor formation is composed of hair and affects females at a greater rate.

This rare condition is associated with psychological disorders such as trichotillomania and causing intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis is based on data from the history and physical examination to find epigastric tumor mass without morbid history.

Treatment is determined by the size of the mass and thus present complications surgical removal was choice in this case.

Psychological assessment in this patient needed to avoid recurrences by trichophagia they present.


Author Biographies

Dr. Alex Paul Guachilema Ribadeneira , Universidad de Guayaquil

Médico Residente del Hospital Pediátrico Baca Ortiz,

Guayaquil - Ecuador

Dr. Eduardo Rodrigo Zambrano Cárdenas , Universidad de Guayaquil

Especialista en Cirugía Pediátrica

Jefe Servicio de Cirugía pediátrica del Hospital Baca Ortiz,

Guayaquil - Ecuador

Dr. José Antonio Daza Merizalde , Universidad de Guayaquil

Especialista en Cirugía Infantil

Tratante de Cirugía pediátrica del Hospital Baca Ortiz,

Guayaquil– Ecuador


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How to Cite

Guachilema Ribadeneira , D. A. P., Zambrano Cárdenas , D. E. R., & Daza Merizalde , D. J. A. (2021). Intestinal obstruction due to giant gastric trichobezoar: Bibliographic Review Regarding a Case. REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS, 1(2), 27–32. Retrieved from