Necrotizing fascitis, flesh-eating bacteria: Let's talk about 2 Cases.



Necrotizing fasciitis, streptococcus pyogenes


Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but rapidly progressive, serious, life-threatening infection with destruction and necrosis of fat and fascia and skin. Tissue destruction can affect any part of the body, but is more common in the extremities.

Group A streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes), colonizing pathogens of the skin and throat; On certain occasions and conditions, they can cause serious infections such as necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock, also known as carnivorous bacteria or "meat-eaters".

The entrance door can be through a cut, scrape, insect bite, bite, surgical wound, etc. Those with diabetes, HIV, chronic kidney disease, cirrhosis, cancer, transplant recipients, etc. are more at risk.

Both patients presented necrotizing dermal lesions, with a fetid odor, but not very painful on palpation, with a history of having suffered an insect bite, but with a lot of itching, which caused scratching of the lesions, which increased in color reddish erythema and edema. ) to necrotic, one of the patients presented toxic shock.

Author Biographies

Dr. Juan Javier Arroba Ortega, Universidad de Guayaquil

M.D. Residente de cirugía hospital Abel Gilbert pontón.

Guayaquil – Ecuador.

Dr. Fernando Moncayo Asnalema, Universidad de Guayaquil

M.D. Tratante de Cirugía, Jefe de servicio

Guayaquil – Ecuador.

Lcdo. Oscar Lenin Cusquillo Guamán, Universidad de Guayaquil

Lcdo. H. Abel Gilbert Pontón

Guayaquil – Ecuador


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How to Cite

Arroba Ortega, D. J. J., Moncayo Asnalema, D. F., & Cusquillo Guamán, L. O. L. (2022). Necrotizing fascitis, flesh-eating bacteria: Let’s talk about 2 Cases. REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS, 3(2), 10–14. Retrieved from