Identification of the most frequent infectious agents at the surgical site of the wound
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surgical site

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Vega Caicedo, D. A. E., & Mosquera Herrera, D. C. (2021). Identification of the most frequent infectious agents at the surgical site of the wound: Surgery Service of the General Hospital of the North of Guayaquil Los Ceibos. REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MÉDICAS, 2(1), 33–38. Retrieved from


In-hospital infectious agents are frequent in health areas and these in turn can infect aseptic and antiseptic procedures, this translates into comorbidity for the hospitalized patient since the infection can spread and cannot be controlled in a normal way. The type of surgery is also a predisposing risk factor for surgical site infections since, by having various types of surgical wounds, especially abdominal ones, the normal bacterial flora of the digestive tract is greatly invaded, which are not normal in blood or skin of the surgical wound, this makes the hospital stay longer, giving rise to the risk of surgical site infection caused by bacteria, frequently in-hospital.

We identified the most frequent infectious agents that infect the surgical site of a wound in the period 2019-2020 with a total of 600 patients and 435 hospitalized in the general surgery area. It was determined that the most frequent causal agent is Escherichia Coli with 44% in 2019 and 63% in 2020, the most colonized surgical surgery was conventional appendectomy with 44% in 2019 and 50% in 2020.

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