Human rights and soccer: the story that marked the No to Pinochet's regime campaign




Human Rights, Pinochet, Caszely, Garrido, Torture


It is necessary to revisit the past to preserve memory. In Chile, the coup of 1973 shattered democracy. In 1988, during the vote on whether Pinochet should remain in power, a television campaign spot for the "No" side featured Olga Garrido revealing that she had been tortured by the state. This essay proposal aims to elucidate the extent to which the attack on Olga Garrido was an instructive message from the dictatorship, as a consequence of the ideology of her son, the footballer Carlos Caszely. To achieve this purpose, a bibliographic analysis was conducted of authors discussing football and attempting to connect it to Human Rights issues, a metasynthesis of previous qualitative research on the role of women in situations of conflict or war, and an internet search for the television spot in which Olga Garrido revealed that she had been tortured. Through the discussion of results, the study has determined that women play a role in male disputes for supremacy: they symbolize the power that men stake and serve to express or exhibit it in a confrontation among themselves, to the extent that the woman's body becomes the framework or support on which the moral defeat of the enemy is written. Ultimately, the work showed that the attack on Olga Garrido was not an act of sexual motivation but rather something else: an instructive message directed at Carlos Caszely, a social figure of the opposition, written on the body of his mother.


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How to Cite

Burbano Espinoza, X. (2023). Human rights and soccer: the story that marked the No to Pinochet’s regime campaign. Derecho Crítico: Revista Jurídica, Ciencias Sociales Y Políticas, 4(4), 1–20.


