Node connection Equipment Cultural in Guayaquil, Ecuador

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Urban intervention
cultural facilities
tactical urbanism
urban proposal

How to Cite

Revilla, M., & Ramirez, D. (2023). Node connection Equipment Cultural in Guayaquil, Ecuador. ArTeS: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 5(1), 9–15. Retrieved from


In recent years there has been a marked abandonment in the conservation and promotion of these cultural spaces due to the lack of information provided, which has caused their gradual deterioration and their decrease as community assets, as a result of a lack of interest in the part of citizens towards these facilities. It is proposed as a solution to give a different meaning to these cultural spaces of the city through the method of tactical urbanism and to intervene in previously studied streets of the city. Tactical urbanism is a method that seeks to temporarily intervene in the city to provide a better lifestyle to citizens through low-cost actions. The application of tactical urbanism in various city streets would not only strengthen the presence of cultural facilities. Still, it would also promote the participation of citizens and provide a dynamic use to these areas. The aim is to encourage the community and offer a valuable space for promoting cultural life in the city through urban interventions such as temporary installations in the streets and cultural activities. This strategy aims to create a kind of reflection on the importance of investing in the city's cultural heritage. With the help of tactical urbanism, a different point of view is achieved in the community, generating an idea of the merit and protection of the cultural facilities of the city. 


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Copyright (c) 2023 Maytte Revilla, Derly Ramirez